domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

other blog

These two weeks of classes where very difficult,because I am just getting used after the long long vacations that I had,but again I am alreary at five semester of degree in English Language.

It is difficult for me because I talk above them as I work and the truth I worry a lot for me,for my work by my school and my family and I am afraid fail to any of these 3 important things for me.

But I have confidence and everything and I will leave as I want and hope

martes, 26 de agosto de 2008



My name is Martha Patricia Hernandez Aviles,I am 24 years old I was born here in Tampico

I have one brother his name is Felipe he have 21 years.
(he is in the picture)

Our parents are Felipe and Teodora and I love them,I have a expensive family because in my house live my cousin and her daugther.

I almost can not be much time with my family because I work in yhe morning and study in the afternoon

Every day I get up at 5:00 in the morning and reached at 10:00 at nigth when my mom and my dad is sleeping.

this routine is sometime very tired.